A sensory body sock is a wildly popular tool that provides sensory input and stimulates and develops the proprioceptive system. The proprioceptive system is a sense that is located in our muscles and joints and gives us the feeling of body awareness. Proprioception is therefore the ability to perceive your own body and is important for the balance and motor skills of our body.
The proprioceptive system is stimulated when you exert force with your muscles in different situations. A sensory body sock exerts constant pressure on your body, which forces you to use your muscles more and thus stimulates and trains your proprioceptive system even more. In addition to developing the proprioceptive system, a sensory body sock also has many other advantages, such as:
- Relieves Stress & Excess Energy - Helps your child quickly and safely exercise every muscle in their body, relieving the pent up energy that causes meltdowns.
- Makes sensory development fun - Provides strong stimulation and development for senses such as touch, movement, balance and is fun to play with too!
- Deep soothing pressure - The constant compression feels like an endless hug to a child, there is no safer feeling, right?
- A great & original gift - Feels great to wear and makes playtime twice as fun and stimulating!
- Stimulating positive feelings - Brings a smile to every child's face.
There are many different fun activities and exercises a child can do with a sensory body sock. In this article we will tell you our 5 favorite sensory body sock activities.
1. Running, walking, crawling, jumping
Simply by going about your daily activities while wearing a body sock, your body already receives a lot of sensory input.
Try running, walking or crawling while wearing the body sock. It will probably feel completely different from normal. You have to tense your muscles more and the movements feel a bit heavier. Experiment with different movements: start running or walk normally, jump in the air or crawl on the ground like a lion. Challenge yourself with the sensory body sock!
2. Air boxes
Pretend you are a professional boxer. In this case you do not have an opponent, but you fight against the air! Try to make calm boxing movements, just like a real boxer. When you make these movements you experience resistance from the body sock, this gives the muscles in your arms a nice workout.
3. Just chill
Just chilling is always nice. A sensory body sock makes this even nicer. The body sock exerts a constant pressure on your body. The constant pressure feels like an endless hug. This ensures a calm and safe feeling!
4. Yoga
Yoga exercises can be a lot of fun. But with a body sock, yoga exercises become even more fun! For example, try the downward dog pose, the child's pose and the trikonasana. Experiment with these movements while wearing the body sock and see how it feels.
5. Play as you normally would
You don't need to do any specific exercises to experience the amazing benefits of a sensory body sock. You basically just wear the body sock, and when you play like you normally would, the sensory body sock just does its job!
Don't have a sensory body sock yet? Check out the Sensory Body Sock by HappyKido. Let us know what you think of our sensory body sock activities!