10 Sensory Tips: A Great Start to the School Day! | HappyKido
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10 Sensory Tips: Start the School Day Right!

10 Sensorische Strategieën: Een goed begin van de schooldag!

Starting the school day can be difficult for children for a number of reasons.

For some, it may be due to lack of motivation, fatigue, stress or difficulty getting organised. For others, it may be due to anxiety about the school day ahead or difficulty getting out of bed. It can also be difficult for children to adjust to the structure and routine of the school day after, for example, the weekend or a school holiday.

In this article, we at HappyKido share 10 sensory strategies that will help your child start the school day positively and motivated.

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Starting the day will be easier with these strategies!

1. Get a good night's sleep

Ensuring your child gets enough sleep is essential to their academic success and mental well-being. Set a regular sleep schedule and make sure your child gets enough rest each night. Does your child often wake up feeling tired? Check out the sensory sleep tunnel .

2. Get up early

Let your child set the alarm early. This gives them enough time to get ready for school, rushing will only have negative consequences for the child.

3. Eat a healthy breakfast

Eating a healthy breakfast can help children stay focused and energetic throughout the day. Make sure your child eats a nutritious breakfast with protein, fruits, and vegetables.

4. Organize

Help your child stay organized by packing their backpack and laying out their clothes the night before to avoid unnecessary stress in the morning.

5. Set a positive tone

Talk to your child about their day and encourage them to think positively about the day ahead. This will help them.

Use sentences like:

  • "I love the way you..."
  • "You did well with..."
  • "That was a great..."

6. Calming morning activities

Before the school day, offer a calming activity, such as guided meditation or deep breathing exercises, to help children relax and focus.

7. Sensory friendly space

Provide your child with a sensory-friendly space when they first get out of bed. Provide a space to explore and relax, such as a quiet corner with calming music, soothing scents, and soft lights. This will help your child wake up calmly and without stimuli.

8. Incorporate sensory activities into the morning routine

Such as a tactile sensory box with different textures for students to explore.

9. Exercise in the morning

Get your kids moving when they first wake up, like stretching or gentle yoga poses, to help reduce stress and anxiety. Moving in a sensory body sock enhances this effect.

10. Sensory snacks

Give your child sensory snacks to school, such as crunchy fruits or vegetables to chew on, to help them stay alert and focused. This will help your child stay productive and less likely to become overstimulated.

Let us know what you think of our strategies and if they helped!